Monthly Archives: June 2013


I got back in the water today … 1000m in this poolEstupendo.

There’s an even bigger pool inside, and the weight training room was great.  After than, popped by IH Bcn to confirm my next three weeks of Spanish classes, and then rested for an hour or so on the beach.  Off to a jazz club tonight.


The gym is offering an online membership special starting tomorrow.  Even without the discount, the monthly fees are cheaper than the YMCA in London. I’ll be joining for the summer.


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Comienza la aventura

Once upon a time I spent a day in a coaching workshop. One of the activities was a visualization exercise, the ostensible goal being to see your ideal place / life / whatever.  Something trivial.  You know, just take a couple minutes and casually map out out your own utopia.

We were sitting in a London flat, a room full of (mostly) strangers, and the moderator told us to close your eyes, focus on your breath, and then imagine your body floating up out the room, into the sky, above London (try no to think of the East Enders splash screen),  then into the stratosphere and all the way into outer space.  Imagine yourself looking down at the planet.

I saw so much water. All that blue covering a tiny little sphere suspended in the cosmos.

We then had to float back down and see where we had landed.

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